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November 7, 2006
There are currently two rooms available at the Creekside. This in is directly across the parking lot from where we're getting married, so if you're coming up for two nights and haven't booked a room yet, we suggest you call them and book it fast. If you've already booked at another hotel and want to get a nice, closer room, you may want to consider switching... :) See our hotels page for more details.
November 5, 2006
Are you staying in Calgary the night before heading to Canmore? The Hotel Arts is a good place to check out just a few blocks from where we live. See our hotels page for more details.
November 4, 2006
An update on the Canmore Inn and Suites - we have rooms held there for booking until November 30, 2006. If you're planning on booking a room there and haven't yet, we recommend you do so soon to ensure you can get one. See our hotels page for details.
October 23, 2006
Ok, ok. So we're REALLY slow. Our apologies for taking so long to get this website online. We really did mean to have it up months ago. Some of the stuff we have here might be a bit late for some of you, but since we know lots of you are procrastinators just like us, there'll probably be some good info here for many of you.
We don't have everything up here yet, but over the next week we will add any other necessary info here, so feel free to check back.